2021 week 24: architecture – details or partial view of houses of worship

In each and every country you will find churches, temples, mosques, synagogues or whatever such houses of worship are called depending on religion and culture.We had a similar challenge in READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 23: People / Silhouettes

Expose for the sky Let’s try and combine some technical and creative aspects of photography: We are creating some interesting shots of people’s silhouettes. And with silhouettes I mean real READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 22: Changing Your Point of View (POV)

This week your challenge is to take a photo from a different point of view than you normally would. The vast majority of photos are taken from the eye level of the photographer, but changing your point of view, e.g. bird’s eye view, worm’s eye view, becoming the subject or shooting from the eye level of the subject, can create much more impactful photos. READ MORE →


This week we’re going back in time 5 years to a Long Exposure Water PhotoChallenge. Some of you Long-Time community members may have already participated in this challenge. If you READ MORE →


The first element of this challenge is to capture happiness or something that brings you happiness. These images of happiness can be as much a smiling child just like they can be of an object or natural place like a waterfall, as long as that subject portrays happiness for you. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 19 – Flower photography – close-up or macro of a single flower (plant)

The goal of this week’s challenge is to take a close-up or macro shot of a blossom, a single flower, or a single plant with one or more blossoms. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 18: Nursery Rhyme

Step back in time This week’s theme is about stepping back time and remember your childhood or the times when your siblings or kids were little. Search your memories or READ MORE →

WEEK: 17 – Home Improvements, Repairs & Maintenance

If there’s one thing about a home regardless of its age, set on a foundation, on wheels, or floating, there always seems to be something to do in order to READ MORE →

WEEK 16: Community Spirit & Multi Panel Sequences

This week’s photo challenge theme is community spirit, told through the medium of multi-panel sequences… I.E a comic book strip. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 15: Focus on the Details

This week’s challenge is NOT a macro challenge! Instead, your challenge is to notice a small scene within a larger context and then photograph that. Try to distill a scene or context into the heart of the matter. What is it about a scene that captures the essence of what you see? When you take photos with a clear intent, they will ultimately have a bigger impact on the viewer. READ MORE →