Trevor Carpenter

In the living memory of our friend Trevor Scott Carpenter who passed away fighting Leukemia. Trevor Scott Carpenter 1975 - 2017 (OBITUARY), In late 2007 I blogged on my personal blog about my own desire to grow in my photographic skills, the October Challenge. I challenged myself to shoot a genre of photography that was a...
Ulrike Lukasczyk

Ulrike Lukasczyk While photography always fascinated me I seriously started learning techniques and composition only back in 2016. One of my first sources of learning material and feedback was this group: The Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge. Being insatiably curious I dived into all kinds of subjects and techniques until I finally dared to photograph people. That...
Klaus Deisenberger

I’m an electrical engineer and have been in retirement now for ten years. Photography has been my hobby for quite a long time. I got my first camera (a Voigtlaender Vito CLR) as a youngster in the early 1960s. The Vito CLR was a 35 mm viewfinder camera with a fixed 50 mm lens and all settings...
Tonya J. Bender

Tonya J. Bender I am a self taught photographer from Allegany County Maryland where I reside in Little Orleans with my husband. My interest in photography began 20 years ago when my husband gifted me with my first film camera, a Canon AE-1. I dabbled in nature photography as well as portraits for a few years until...
Peter H Randall

My photographic Journey As a youngster I was fascinated by camera’s. At about the age of 10 years I was bought a Ilford film camera which I proceeded to capture images as and when film was available, not very often because it was expensive at the time. While at school in the early seventies I...
Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero

I’m a self-taught photographer and way back when I used to love taking photos, but I allowed a business that I started in 2004 to take over my life and my photographic repertoire was reduced to quick product shots and how-to tutorials. When I joined the PhotoChallenge in December 2015, I was looking to rekindle...
Eric Minbiole

Eric Minbiole Ever since I was a kid, I've been absolutely fascinated with anything technical-- electronics, computers, cameras, gadgets, etc. Growing up, I loved taking things apart to see what was inside. While I couldn't always put things back together, I loved trying to figure out how things work. Because of my love for all...
Steve Troletti

Steve Troletti I'm a Location Scout, Editorial, Nature, Wildlife and Environmental Photographer based in Malibu, California. I specialize in Nature and Urban Nature photography including Infrared Landscapes. The Bulk of my work takes place in the Los Angeles,CA area, Northern Florida, Coastal Georgia, Greater Montreal Region of Canada, Switzerland, France and Northern Italy. Ethical wildlife...
Jeremy Brooks
Jeremy Brooks Professionally, I’m a senior software engineer. In my spare time, you can find me tinkering with microcontrollers, electronics, and gadgets of all sorts, and of course shooting and processing photographs. My photography is mostly urban, with a special focus on neon signs, both vintage and modern. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay...
Maaike Groenewege

(RETIRED) I live in the middle of the Netherlands together with Significant Other (who features regularly in my Photochallenge images) and my two cats Bumper and Pebbles (who are also no stranger to modelling). I’ve been glued to my compact camera for the last ten years, still love my Sony RX-100 and switched to a...