I’ve always been a fan of knowing and admitting when something has run its course and moving on to bigger better things. READ MORE →
I’ve always been a fan of knowing and admitting when something has run its course and moving on to bigger better things. READ MORE →
Needless to mention, Trevor was an important part of many people’s lives and we miss him very much. Trevor was full of love for life and the Photo Challenge lives on as a celebration of life and photography that was a very big part of Trevor’s life. READ MORE →
This challenge can be of a ball cap, work hat, cowboy/cowgirl, men’s or women’s fashion hat, sports hat, on a model, or some kind of still life photography. READ MORE →
This week’s challenge is to take a photo which is intentionally blurry by means of ICM or completely out of focus in order to create abstract images which have a READ MORE →
Take a picture from the inside looking out that consists of a foreground, middle ground and background. The background will be whatever represents “out” in your image, the middle ground READ MORE →
We’re going to do food photography with a twist. We’re going to choose a dish that is not ethnically or culturally connected to our origins or our country of residence. For example, I live in the USA of Italian and French descent. That means I have to choose a dish that is not American, French, or Italian. READ MORE →
This week’s theme is pretty simple: Please capture a person walking past a wall. And yes – of course, you can apply some photography guidelines to make the photo more interesting: READ MORE →
Group Rules for Participating in The PhotoChallenge READ MORE →
Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce an image with the a Straight Horizons One of the most common mistakes I see is a simple case READ MORE →
This week’s challenge is to take a B&W or color portrait of an animal of whatever kind. Pet, domestic or wild animal, bird, reptile, fish or insect, it’s your choice. READ MORE →
Let’s face it, our money is not going as far as it used to and that is more and more evident every single day that passes by. Many of us are feeling the burden of inflation. READ MORE →