2020 WEEK 23: Sunglasses
Sunglasses are great for their reflective properties, as a stylish prop or even as a creative lens filter in photography. Many of us see the world through sunglasses almost every day. READ MORE →
Sunglasses are great for their reflective properties, as a stylish prop or even as a creative lens filter in photography. Many of us see the world through sunglasses almost every day. READ MORE →
Needless to mention, Trevor was an important part of many people’s lives and we miss him very much. Trevor was full of love for life and the Photo Challenge lives on as a celebration of life and photography that was a very big part of Trevor’s life. READ MORE →
This week, I’d like to dedicate our photo challenge to Beverly Furillo Madison, one of our most colorful members, who passed away earlier this week. Beverly had so many talents. READ MORE →
Shadows can be a compositional element creating balance. Similar to reflections, they double the volume of the subject. I can see the heart shape captured below as a popular choice, but there are many other mirrored shadows that might be interesting subjects. I encourage you to be creative. READ MORE →
Now right away, you introverts are going to immediately decide to photograph your dog or cat, or something other than your one true love on this planet. There is a READ MORE →
The Spring bird migration is finally in full swing and will hit the Northern States and Canada this weekend. While the Northern Hemisphere is in Spring Migration, Fall migration is READ MORE →
We sometimes think of Architectural photography as looking at a building from the outside. A great deal of Architectural engineering and design is often invested in giving a look from READ MORE →
This week I decided to change things around a bit. I still want to get you outdoors since this is outdoor photography. I’m bringing back a theme from 2013, the READ MORE →
OK guys, this one might take some creative thinking. You can go out on the hunt to capture LOVE, or you can conceive of a nice idea, and set it READ MORE →
Today is Wednesday, August 26, 2009. Today’s theme for the 2009 Challenge is LOVE. Representing an emotion or feeling with a photograph can be a challenge. Today, think of what READ MORE →
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