With the holidays coming up many of us will be taking group photos of family and friends. Some will be formal, others will be informal. This week for the challenge READ MORE →
With the holidays coming up many of us will be taking group photos of family and friends. Some will be formal, others will be informal. This week for the challenge READ MORE →
When we look at words we don’t usually think about the use of typeface. We generally focus on the meaning the words are trying to convey. Whether it’s printed on READ MORE →
Money makes the world go ’round. Well, that’s a matter of perspective, but there’s no doubt that wealth and money are woven into the fabric of society and influence our READ MORE →
Sometimes the best photography subjects are right in front of us – something or someone you see everyday, but don’t think about as a subject. We see and interact with READ MORE →
The first thing to understand about this challenge is that it is NOT a black and white assignment. Your subject should be white and your background should be white. READ MORE →
This week we’ll explore another key aspect of Black and White photography – Contrast. For this challenge you’re looking for shots with a dramatic difference between the lightest part of READ MORE →
Over the course of the year, and in previous years, we’ve talked about key elements that make black and white photography distinctly different from color photography. This week we’ll focus READ MORE →
For some people cars are simply a machine that gets you from place to place. For others, automobiles are a personal statement that reflect individual personalities – some prefer sports cars READ MORE →
This black and white challenge is one word: STEADFAST stead·fast, adjective: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. It’s a simple definition, but leaves the challenge open to wide interpretation. No matter what READ MORE →
We can’t do a year of black and white challenges without including Street Photography. Street photography is about capturing moments of everyday life in public places. Most often street photography takes place READ MORE →