2021 WEEK 40: Rhythm in Composition

One very potent element of composition is rhythm. Usually it’s hiding in plain sight: One rarely tries to find elements predominantly linked to music in photos. Yet it can be READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 39, Landscapes

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce a Landscape scene Example’s of the different types and approach to landscapes photography by the equally Inspirational Ulrike Lukasczyk. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 38: The Power of Awe

The opportunities to experience awe in our daily lives abound if we simply choose to look for them. And that is your challenge this week: look for, notice and photograph something that elicits awe in you this week. For extra credit, try to photograph your subject in such a way as to elicit awe in the viewers of your image. Click through for more details and examples. READ MORE →

2021 Week 37: ISO- The Highs and Lows

It’s time for a new technical challenge this week and we have made it all the way to the third and final member of the exposure triangle. To recap we READ MORE →


I want you to focus on how the impact of the current logistics and supply chain issues are affecting your local community. That leaves a very broad spectrum of possibilities from shipping vessels to the food you serve on your table. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 35: Super Guest Challenge

Let’s focus on our challenge, it’s a simple photography challenge themed around the word “FARM”. Very much like our “FISH” challenge, I’m giving you total artistic interpretation.

That means I want you to think carefully about your subject first and then create to the best of your abilities, an amazing photograph that relates to the word “FARM”. READ MORE →

2021 week 34 – Minimalist photography

This week’s theme is Minimalist photography. Minimalist photography is distinguished by extreme, austere simplicity.It emphasizes spareness and focuses solely on the smallest number of objects in the composition process.Keep it READ MORE →

WEEK 33: Abstract Photography

What makes the charm of abstract photography is that while it looks easy and simple, it is actually really hard to break down our complex environment into simple lines and READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 32: Sound

While photography is a visual art, I thought it would be fun this week to engage more than just our visual sense when making our photos. In particular, I want you to make the viewer hear something (in their imagination) when looking at your photo. Click through for more details and examples. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 31 – FISH

This week I decided to make a creative challenge based on the theme word “FISH”…

A theme that relies simply on the association of the final image and its relation to the word “FISH”. READ MORE →