2019 WEEK 42: Mystery Shot

This week your task is to take a photo of something in such a way that leaves the rest of us guessing what it is. My preference is that you capture your mystery shot in-camera, i.e. not via filters in post-processing. There are a few ways that I can think of accomplishing this: READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 41: Fake Miniature / Tilt Shift

This week, we’ll experiment with creating “Fake Miniatures“: A photo that makes the object look like a miniature, small scale model, when it’s actually a large, full-sized object. (This is READ MORE →

2019 week 40 Seasons

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce an image of The Season you are currently experiencing in your Country. Each season has it’s own charm from Spring READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 39: Circles

A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end. – Maynard James Keenan

This week we are focusing on circles (no pun intended). There are a few ways you can approach this challenge. Perhaps the most straightforward is to simply take a photo of something that looks like a circle or a collection of circles. However, there is a lot of room for creativity this week if you want to create a circle to photograph. Some ideas include:


2019 WEEK 38: High Key / Low Key

Thanks to Cindy Jo Bennett Csomo for suggesting this week’s challenge theme. For this week’s challenge, you can choose to create either a high key or a low key image. READ MORE →

2019 week 37 Suspend Time

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce an image suggesting you have Suspended Time A moment in time How can you create the look of time READ MORE →

2019 Week 36: Surrealism

Surrealism is more than just a concept, it is an intellectual and creative mental process committed to representing the world in strange and abstract ways. This artistic movement first began READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 35: In Your Backyard

“The world is a mystery. This, what you’re looking at, is not all there is to it. There is much more to the world, so much more, in fact, that READ MORE →

2019 Week 34: Your favourite Artists

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce your Interpretation of a piece of Art, produced by your favourite or chosen Artists. My interpretation of a Salvador READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 33: Architecture: Columns, Arches, and Beams

It’s time for another Architecture challenge. This week’s theme is Columns, Arches, and Beams. Pretty much any building or structural element that helps hold something else up would be fair READ MORE →