2021 Week 49: This Little Light of Mine- Manual Mode
We finally made it to our last “technical” challenge of the year! In my final challenge we are naturally going to combine all the previous technical challenges and photograph in READ MORE →
We finally made it to our last “technical” challenge of the year! In my final challenge we are naturally going to combine all the previous technical challenges and photograph in READ MORE →
Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce a Pointillism Painting style image. Pointillism is often considered part of the Post-impressionist movement. It was primarily invented by READ MORE →
A quick announcement regarding Contributors for the 2022 Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge and our Friendly Community Guidelines. Now retrieving an image set. 80×100 Monocular-Telescope High Powered Monocular for Adults Monocular for READ MORE →
I want us to be extremely creative with the interpretation of the word library and how it connects to your chosen subject. Do some research, use a dictionary and a thesaurus, make the best of the creative opportunity. READ MORE →
This week’s challenge is to take a photo of something which is always easy to find but not always easy to photograph: a spiderweb. Always easy to find however does READ MORE →
an indoor type of PhotoChallenge As you might have noticed I really like stories and storytelling in photos. Sometimes you can do this on a larger scale and sometimes – READ MORE →
While on the surface it might seem like this week’s challenge is about vegetables, it is really about lighting, i.e. lighting that makes the vegetables look like sculptures. Consider your light source and add reflectors as necessary to enhance the shape and contours of your subject. Also experiment with the direction of the light hitting your subject to see how it changes the interpretation of the contours. Click through for more details and examples. READ MORE →
It’s a little mix up of the old with the new. A spin may bring you back in time to one of our older Halloween Challenges or bring you to a new and wonderful idea to inspire a fabulous Halloween image READ MORE →
This week’s challenge is to find and take a photograph of a Pattern in Nature. A pattern in general is a structure characterized by a more or less uniform reptition READ MORE →
This week as a flashback challenge, I’m bringing back this old challenge from 2008 inspired by both the founder of The PhotoChallenge, Trevor Carpenter and Jeremy Brooks who was not only an early contributor but a very good friend of Trevor’s READ MORE →