2020 WEEK 19: Documentary – Daily Life during a Pandemic

It seems that our daily lives have been upended almost overnight by the COVID-19 pandemic and yet life continues as if in a parallel universe. Your challenge this week is to document (through photos) something notable that has changed in your life due to the pandemic – something that you think might be of interest to future generations (or even historians) 100 years from now. READ MORE →

2020 Week No 18 Jigsaw Collage

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce a Jigsaw Collage A jigsaw collage allows us a different way to extend our creativity in a new direction. READ MORE →


Last week, Eric brought us into the kitchen and I’m planning on keeping us there this week. Isolation for me, I cook more, I eat more of what I cook READ MORE →

2020 WEEK 16: Macro: Everyday Household Item

This week’s challenge is to take a macro photo of an Everyday Household Item. Anything that you’d commonly find in or around the home is fair game this week. Look READ MORE →

2020 WEEK 15: Textiles

This week we’re going to look for inspiration in textiles. To be clear, I am using a very broad definition of textiles to include: fabric, yarn, thread and/or anything made with those three elements. READ MORE →

2020 WEEK 14: Magnifying Glass

In an effort to make the Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge more Stay at Home Friendly, we are allowing for more creative interpretations of the theme. I figured most of you READ MORE →

2020 Week No 13 Lomography

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce an image using the Lomography method. In 1992 a group of Viennese students established the Lomographic Society International. They READ MORE →

The Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge and COVID-19

We at the Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge and Tempus Aura Studios understand the complexity of current events in regards to COVID-19. Many of our participants are having their daily lives altered READ MORE →

2020 WEEK 12: Tools and Work

This week’s challenge is to photograph tools, or anyone working with tools. The tool(s) themselves can be most anything you like: For example, tools used for woodworking, gardening, metalwork, cleaning, READ MORE →

2020 WEEK 11: Feathers

This week we’ll be taking photos of feathers. How you choose to photograph those feathers is up to you. You might choose to photograph a single feather or arrange multiple feathers together. You might choose to photograph the entire feather or get close and photograph the fine details. You might choose to photograph in color or B&W. You might choose to photograph feathers on a bird, though I encourage you to make the photo about the feathers and not the bird itself. READ MORE →