WEEK 25: A Photo Challenge Tribute to Trevor Carpenter


Needless to mention, Trevor was an important part of many people’s lives and we miss him very much. Trevor was full of love for life and the Photo Challenge lives on as a celebration of life and photography that was a very big part of Trevor’s life. READ MORE →

WEEK 19: B&W – Water

Long exposures of running water can add a sense of motion to our images. Yes, majestic waterfalls make for beautiful images, but small streams are often easier to find and beautiful in their own way. You might need to search a little harder for a good composition, but the concept is the same. Use a tripod and experiment with different shutter speeds to figure out how blurred you want the water to be. READ MORE →

2018 WEEK 7: 2009 FLASHBACK – COLOR:RED – 10th Anniversary Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge

Day 32: COLOR:RED – As we continue to visit a decade of Photo Challenges, I decided to go back to February 2009. One thing I’m realizing is the simplicity that was, The Photo Challenge. READ MORE →

2018 WEEK 1: 2008 FLASHBACK – MY NEIGHBORHOOD – 10th Anniversary Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge

Welcome everyone to the WEEK 1 of the 2018 10th Anniversary Photo Challenge at the Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge – In 2007, Trevor Carpenter who eventually founded the PhotoChallenge.org, began a series of Photo Challenges which he shared from his personal blog at trevorcarpenter.com. They started as a series of personal photographic challenges that quickly attracted a crowd of photo enthusiasts to his blog. In January 2008, Trevor founded with the help of Jeremy, the PhotoChallenge.org in order to cater to the new found enthusiasm generated around his personal photo challenges. READ MORE →


Circles are everywhere and can easily be hidden if we don’t look carefully. A good example are these arches from the image above. Depending on the time of year and the water level, the perfect circle will appear. I must admit that it’s a little imperfect but within the acceptable realm of the PhotoChallenge. READ MORE →