WEEK 10: The Curse of the PhotoChallenge

There is however a photographic art to time-lapse photography. It’s not just an accelerated video, it’s carefully planned photography put together to create a smooth accelerated video effect. READ MORE →

2021 WEEK 7: Bad Habit

This week we want to depict a bad habit. We are looking at our photography project here from a different angle: Many photographers are eager to show beautiful and positive READ MORE →

2021 Week 6: Light Meter and Intentional Exposure

Remembering back a few weeks ago we learned that there are three things that influence the exposure of an image in a given level of light, aperture, shutter speed, and READ MORE →

WEEK 5: The Photographic Wheel of Fortune

I decided to bring back an older theme we’ve used in the past, actually, Eric Minbiole was the last contributor to bring the wheel back to life for WEEK 40 of the 2018 PhotoChallenge. READ MORE →

2021 Week 3: Exposure Triangle

ne of the most important yet intimidating skills of photography is correctly achieving exposure. “Correct” exposure involves a combination of many elements and can be both technical as well as artistic and therefore is often left for the camera to decide automatically. Whether the photographer allows the camera to decide on the exposure or chooses to set it themselves, it is always achieved by three key factors: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO- thus referred to as the exposure triangle. READ MORE →

2021 week 2: shadowless object photography

This weeks challenge is to take a photograph of one or more objects on white background without any shadows. As long as an object has a simple outline it is READ MORE →

COVID-19 and the 2021 PhotoChallenge UPDATE

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ALL OF US AT THE PHOTOCHALLENGE! I must admit that I wasn’t prepared to see the emotions that were transmitted with the WEEK 0 Challenge. Many READ MORE →

WEEK 0: Kicking off the 2021 Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge

As we transition into 2021, we’ll all have our own personal feelings regarding 2020. This is where this week’s special theme starts to materialize. READ MORE →