2019 WEEK 18: Abstract Landscape

What I like most about abstract photography is the unlimited creativity it allows, it is a type of photography that opens the imagination and embraces experimentation. This week we will READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 17: Stitched Panoramas & Vertoramas

This week your challenge is to create a stitched panorama or a vertorama (vertical panorama). I am emphasizing “stitched” because in a future challenge I will be building on that READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 16: Abandoned

Thanks to Debbie Archer for suggesting this week’s theme. This week’s challenge is to photograph anything “abandoned”. You can take a more literal interpretation, such as an abandoned building or READ MORE →

2019 Week 15 Picception

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce an image of Picception   Definition of Picception Picception images incorporate another camera or photo within your photograph. It can READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 14: Titles

We’re taking a different approach to the photo challenge this week. I recently returned from a photography workshop with Colleen Miniuk-Sperry where my personal challenge was to be more creative READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 13: Nature Macro

Thanks to Stephanie Adams for suggesting this week’s theme. It’s time for another macro challenge! This week’s goal is to take a macro shot of anything found in nature: Plants, READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 12: Window Reflections

I’ve been known to lament window reflections as having ruined a photo, but every so often I find reflections that add an important compositional element. That’s what we’re going for READ MORE →

2019 Week 11 B&W Portrait

Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce a B&W Portrait The example below is from my portfolio.  Copyright PHRandallSnr TheArtyFartyMan Definition of Portrait A Portrait is a photograph READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 10: Single Subject

A big thank you to Cheryl Joy for suggesting this week’s challenge topic! This week’s challenge rules are simple: Photograph one, single subject. The subject itself can be anything– big, READ MORE →

2019 WEEK 9: Found Still Life

For this week’s challenge we are putting a twist on Still Life by photographing inanimate subject matter, whether natural or man-made, as found and without interference by the photographer. Since READ MORE →