About thedigitaljeanie

I’m a self-taught photographer and way back when I used to love taking photos, but I allowed a business that I started in 2004 to take over my life and my photographic repertoire was reduced to quick product shots and how-to tutorials. When I joined the PhotoChallenge in December 2015, I was looking to rekindle my creativity and bring some joy back into my photography. I jumped in with both feet and have not looked back. I believe that photography can change the way we see and interact with the world around us. Some people may think that I hide behind the camera, but I feel that I experience the world in a much more intimate way when I am creating a composition in my viewfinder. In those moments distractions disappear, my mind focuses and I am fully present. It is just me and my camera capturing a moment in time that might otherwise go unnoticed. My background is as varied as the photos that I take. I’ve trained and worked as a software engineer, a massage therapist, an English teacher in Vietnam, a photo restoration artist (which is how I learned Photoshop) and for the past twelve years I have run a small software business with my husband where I have been published in numerous books and magazines, appeared on PBS television, created designs for fabric, quilts and machine embroidery and won awards for some of my quilts. It should come as no surprise that I am intensely curious about life and love to learn new things. I am blessed to live in the beautiful state of Colorado, USA in the Rocky Mountain foothills outside of Fort Collins with my husband and cat. You can find me online at: Photos: flickr.com/photos/the-digital-jeanie/ Day job: KaleidoscopeCollections.com Facebook: facebook.com/jeaniesa

WEEK 32: B&W – Triangles

Implied triangles can also be used to create a relationship between objects in a photo. This article offers a wonderful explanation of the concept:
Street Photography Composition Lesson #1: Triangles. For example in the photo below, there is an implied triangle between the bicyclist, the person in the crosswalk in the background and the people on the sidewalk. While any one of those points is relatively small in the frame, the triangle between them creates a relationship that makes the photo about the people and not the cars. READ MORE →

WEEK 26: B&W – Leading Lines

Lines are an important element in composition and this week we are going to focus on a subset of lines called “leading lines”. I’m sure that most if not all READ MORE →

WEEK 19: B&W – Water

Long exposures of running water can add a sense of motion to our images. Yes, majestic waterfalls make for beautiful images, but small streams are often easier to find and beautiful in their own way. You might need to search a little harder for a good composition, but the concept is the same. Use a tripod and experiment with different shutter speeds to figure out how blurred you want the water to be. READ MORE →

WEEK 14: B&W – Interesting Plainness – 2018 Trevor Carpenter Photochallenge

“An interesting plainness is the most difficult and precious thing to achieve.” -Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Architect) I read this quote recently and thought it would make for an READ MORE →

2018 WEEK 8: B&W – Shadows / The Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge

Shadows can be a compositional element creating balance. Similar to reflections, they double the volume of the subject. I can see the heart shape captured below as a popular choice, but there are many other mirrored shadows that might be interesting subjects. I encourage you to be creative. READ MORE →

WEEK 4: B&W – Finding the Light – 2018 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge

Ask yourself, “What caught my eye initially?” and determine how best to capture the essence of that with your camera. Every element in the frame should enhance the purpose of your photo. If there is an element in your frame that distracts the eye or detracts from the essence, figure out how to eliminate or minimize it. READ MORE →

WEEK 51: Creative Holiday Lights – 2017 Trevor Carpenter Photochallenge

It’s time to get creative and have fun! Holiday lights present the perfect opportunity to play with new techniques. You might be surprised at the results! If you used holiday READ MORE →

2017 TREVOR CARPENTER PHOTOCHALLENGE, WEEK 45: Clear Glass without Reflections

The challenge this week is to photograph clear glass objects without reflections. You do not need a fancy studio setup! You can do this with a single desk lamp and a tripod. I’ve embedded links to tutorials and videos within the descriptions below that describe the very simple technique. Once you learn the trick to photographing glass without reflections, don’t be surprised if you find yourself looking for all of the interesting glass in your house to see what kind of images you can create! READ MORE →

2017 PHOTOCHALLENGE, WEEK 39: B&W with Soft Light

“Dahlia” by Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero This week’s challenge is to “see” in black and white. As I was doing research for this challenge, I came across the following quote which I READ MORE →

2017 PHOTOCHALLENGE, WEEK 34: Starbursts

This week’s challenge is to capture a starburst in your camera. Starbursts are also known as sun stars and sun flares. They are created by the diffraction of strong points READ MORE →