Your Challenge if you choose to accept it is to produce a Still Life Impressionism’s Photograph.
The art movement of Impressionism was born in the 19th century. The name itself came from a painting by Monet that he named Impression Sunrise.
Impressionist paintings consist of quick brushstrokes that resemble motion blur and bokeh. Both motion blur and Bokeh can be directly linked to our photography. So this style of painting and photography is an impression of life. You can Convert your camera or phone images into a work of Art by painting with light, that is taking photographs.

Decide how you’re going to achieve your goal. In camera or post process. Or in the case of a mobile maybe an appropriate app;
In camera;
Maybe adjust sharpness to very sharpen.
Maybe in camera filters App.
Intentional camera movement by Steve Troletti, link below.
The Orton Effect both in camera & post process by myself, link below.
Post Processing.
Post processing using your favourite editing program.
Mobile phone app.
As always remember to have fun, be creative and out of the box interpretations are encouraged.
The friendly community guidelines are pretty simple:
- Dont leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2020 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge is fun and easy.
- Please follow the COVID-19 safety guidelines at all times.
- Take a new photo for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone elses image.
- Post your photo each week to our active communities on Facebook or Flickr (or both). Tag the photo: #trevorcarpenterphotochallenge #2020photochallenge #photochallenge #tempusaura
- Post your photo during the week of Sunday 22nd November and Saturday 28th November.
- Please remember to comment on at least FIVE photo submissions this week by answering the question why? in your comments. In other words, why do I like (or not like) this photo? or why did this photo catch my eye?
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