I’m assuming a large number of individuals from around the world wake up to their favorite caffeinated beverage, Coffee or Tea. There are also those who chose the caffeine-free route.

Your own morning drink can be unique, setting you apart from the rest of the world with that special touch. What I want to explore is everything related to our favorite morning drinks from the plant, the agricultural process down to that final drop.

The tea route itself can be so ever more complex with a wider variety of plants and processes from around the world. Cultural takes on the preparation of these beverages itself creates an endless array of unique tasting teas.

Let’s not forget our favorite condiments to craft the flavor and texture of our morning drink. From real cream to plant based milk and sweeteners.

Document in a single photograph the uniqueness of your own personal morning beverage. As stated above, it can be anything from the growing plant to the last drop at the bottom of your cup.
The emphasis is on the photograph and the story in portrays. We want to see your passion come through, so storytelling through photography is the key to this challenge.
Due to the uniqueness that every culture brings to the table, there are no boundaries to this challenge. Creative interpretations are welcome.
The friendly community guidelines are pretty simple:
- Take a new photo for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
- Post your photo each week to our active communities on Facebook or Flickr (or both). Tag the photo: #2020photochallenge #photochallenge #tempusaura
- Don’t leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2020 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge is fun and easy.
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