Today is Thursday, November 12th, 2009. Today’s theme for the 2009 Challenge is THE PHOTOGRAPHER.
Yes, yes, I know we’ve done several self-portraits so far. This one is different. I promise!
What I want you to do is plan, set up, and execute the taking of the best professional headshot, of yourself, that you can create.
If you have off-camera lights, use them! If you like using available with some bounce, use it! Do whatever you need to, to create a great personal headshot.
Once you’re ready to submit your work to Flickr, you’ve got to do two important things. First, make sure you tag your photos correctly; “2009challenge” and “2009challenge316“. Also, if you haven’t already, join the PhotoChallenge group on Flickr. Then, submit each day’s photo to the group’s pool.
To see all of the shots for today’s challenge, click here.