This week’s theme falls under the umbrella of “words/concepts that have no English equivalent.” (Thanks to challenge members Susan Lehmann for the suggestion and Juliet McMurren for the word “wabi-sabi”.) I think this will be a great way to expand our horizons and think outside the box this week.
Wabi-sabi is a new concept for me, so I had to do a bit of research to gain a modicum of understanding about it. Some key phrases jumped out at me as I tried to wrap my head around the idea:
- Wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature, of accepting the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death… it reveres authenticity above all. (
- It acknowledges three simple realities: “Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.” (
- Both life and art are beautiful not because they are perfect and eternal, but because they are imperfect and fleeting. (
- Essentially it is the art of finding beauty in the imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. (
There’s a good chance that wabi-sabi is unfamiliar to you as well, so I encourage you to read more than one article to gain as much understanding of the concept as you can before taking a photo this week. In addition to the articles linked above, there are plenty more easily found with a quick google search.
The Challenge
- Take a new photo that embodies the concept of wabi-sabi. There is a lot of room for interpretation this week. Creativity is encouraged.
- Post your photo during the week of Sunday, July 7 and Saturday, July 13.
- Please remember to comment on at least FIVE photo submissions this week by answering the question “why?” in your comments. In other words, “why do I like (or not like) this photo?” or “why did this photo catch my eye?” Thank you!
The friendly community guidelines are pretty simple:
- Take a new photo for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
- Post your photo each week to our active communities on Facebook or Flickr (or both). Tag the photo: #2019photochallenge #photochallenge #tempusaura
- Don’t leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2019 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge is fun and easy.
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