Last year on June 14th, Trevor Carpenter, the founder of the Photo Challenge passed away. 2018 marks a decade of Photo Challenges as presented to us by Trevor Carpenter.
Many of you participated in the Photo Challenge with Trevor Carpenter and there are also many new community members who never had a chance to get to know Trevor at all.
I kept the Photo Challenge going so we would not lose all the work that went into the Photo Challenges. In ten years, photography evolved and individual styles as well. We unfortunately lost the first few challenges that were posted to Trevor’s personal blog at As the Photo Challenge moved around from host to host, we also lost some attributions but are working to make sure all the challenges are restored and properly attributed to their rightful contributors.
Unfortunately that makes it hard to get a complete picture of Trevor’s contributions to the challenges at this time but we can all get a feel for his photography as it lives on in Trevor’s Flickr Photostream –
Needless to mention, Trevor was an important part of many people’s lives and we miss him very much. Trevor was full of love for life and the Photo Challenge lives on as a celebration of life and photography that was a very big part of Trevor’s life.
Your Challenge
As I flip through Trevor’s photographs on Flickr, I realize he shared much more than images from the photo challenges. Trevor shared much of his life, beliefs and convictions… A starting point for inspiration for this Photo Challenge.
Since we are all individuals with our own individual way of seeing things, I believe this tribute challenge should be a FREESTYLE PHOTO CHALLENGE where we the photographer choose what to photograph and how to photograph it as a tribute to the photo Challenge Founder, Trevor Carpenter.
Inspiration for the Challenge
Many of you know Eric, Jeanie, Maaike and myself as contributors to the Photo Challenge. However early on the crew also included Jeremy Brooks and Gary Hegenbart. Therefore I encourage you to read the “2017 Photochallenge Week 25 – People We Love“.
When to post your challenge
This challenge is posted early in remembrance of Trevor Carpenter. It will also give you all some extra time to prepare and plan out this very special shoot. As usual we will start Sunday PST.
The friendly community guidelines are pretty simple:
- Post one original photograph (Your Image) shot each week per theme posted on this blog to our active community on our Facebook Group, Flickr Group or 500PX group (or all three). Tag the photo: #10thanniversaryphotochallenge #2018photochallenge #photochallenge #tempusaura
- The shot should be a new shot you took for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
- Don’t leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2018 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge is fun and easy.