This week we are going to try out a composition technique that encourages you to get up close to your subject – filling the frame. This week, try to do more than emphasize your subject — try to fill up as much of the frame as possible with your subject.
If you want to try this with a portrait, you may need to get closer than you would normally be comfortable with. But don’t be afraid! Get in close and don’t feel like you have to show all of the person — or even all of their face — in the frame.
Larger subjects in nature can also be good choices. Notice how the sunflower and peacock fill up the frame, emphasizing the subject matter.
If you have a macro lens, or if your camera has a macro setting, you can get close to the subject, capturing details and filling the frame at the same time.
Manmade subjects are also a great option to fill the frame with. Depending on the size of the object, you might be able to stand back and still fill the frame.
It might be helpful to use a zoom lens for this challenge. If you don’t have a zoom lens, don’t worry — you can always zoom with your feet! Don’t be afraid to get up close to your subject this week. Let’s see some filled up frames!
The rules are pretty simple:
- Post one original (Your Image) shot each week per theme posted on this blog to Google+, Facebook, or Flickr (or all three). Tag the photo or #photochallenge2014.
- The shot should be a new shot you took for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
- Don’t leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2014 Photo Challenge is fun and easy.
Now get out there and have some fun!