Today is Thursday, October 8, 2009. Today’s theme for the 2009 Challenge is STRETCH.

"Two Surfers do Pre-stretches on Morro Strand State Beach prior to a sunset surf session" by mikebaird
Stretch out and relax — after you get a shot for today, that is! Today, keep you eyes out for a stretch. It might be a cat waking up from a nap, somebody exercising, or a slingshot getting ready to fire.
Once you’re ready to submit your work to Flickr, you’ve got to do two important things. First, make sure you tag your photos correctly; “2009challenge″ and “2009challenge281“. Also, if you haven’t already, join the PhotoChallenge group on Flickr. Then, submit each day’s photo to the group’s pool.
To see all of the shots for today’s challenge, click here: