2009 Challenge, Day 30: SYMMETRY

Today’s theme for the 2009 Challenge is SYMMETRY.

I was looking for a definition of what symmetry is, and came across this: “The imprecise sense of harmonious proportionality and balance reflecting beauty and perfection”. There’s not much that I can add to that, so what things do you see every day that have this symmetrical beauty? 


A perfect world by James Jordan

"A perfect world" by James Jordan

Stapelia schinzii var schinzii (flower symmetry) by Martin_Heigan

"Stapelia schinzii var schinzii (flower symmetry)" by Martin_Heigan


Once you’re ready to submit your work to Flickr, you’ve got to do two important things. First, make sure you tag your photos correctly; “2009challenge″. Also, if you haven’t already, join the PhotoChallenge group on Flickr. Then, submit each day’s photo to the group’s pool.


symmetry by MorBCN

"symmetry" by MorBCN