“Hope is a gift you don’t have to surrender, a power you don’t have to throw away.” – Rebecca Solnit

Nothing like the sun – Maaike Groenewege
With all the tragic events that happen in the world right now, I would like use this week’s challenge as a space for sharing hope.
Our images cannot deny or change the reality of what is going on. But they can help us facing that reality, keeping us engaged and connected, help us preventing ourselves from becoming jaded, impassive or cynical.

Life can be so beautiful – Maaike Groenewege
And this would be my wish for this week. To follow your heart and share images of hope in all its forms, actions and shapes. Not to say that everything is fine, because, if we look around us, that’s clearly not the case. But to say that, no matter what, there’s always the broader perspective, a chance to act, a spark that drives us and unites us all.
No rules or guidelines this week, please feel free to follow wherever your ideas take you.

Promise of spring – Maaike Groenewege
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