This week’s theme will be highly successful for those who take the time to actually read this post. If one simply reads the title, and doesn’t catch my explanation, we’ll see lamps and whatnot.
// this week I’d like to look around for light sources that are shaped by the structures around us. The example images will help explain.
// casting a unique shadow, or the negative space where light is and is not pass through a building, wall, or other architectural structure.
Or how a light source interacts with the space it is within. This should end up being a big learning exercise for us all! But after this week, if you work hard to find a really great shot, you may walk away with a greater discerning eye for how light interacts with the objects and structures it is cast upon. And that always makes you a better photographer!
The rules are pretty simple:
- Post one original photograph (Your Image) shot each week per theme posted on this blog to Google+, Facebook, or Flickr (or all three). Tag the photo or #photochallenge2015.
- The shot should be a new shot you took for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
- The posted image should be a photograph, not a video.
- Don’t leave home without your camera. Participating in the 2015 Photo Challenge is fun and easy.