Welcome to week #9 of the 2013 Challenge! Glad you’ve hung in this long!
If you’re new around here, welcome! You’re joining an awesome community of photographers who desire to increase the creative thinking behind, and the quality of, their personal photography.
This week I’d like to see you all head out and document a road. It’s that simple. However, take some time to think about what a road is, where you live. For some a road can be a walking path, made of simply dirt. For others, it’s a major superhighway.
For some, you might just consider your commute or path to work or school. Along that route, you’re bound to have plenty of photo opportunities that document your common road. Or maybe there’s a special place close to home where you like to visit on your days off? Where ever it is, please take some time to consider a unique or fun way to share it with the rest of us.
You might think about changing your perspective, like each of the two photos above. Or you may try photographing it in different light. Then select the best result.
As always, make sure you share your result with the rest of the PhotoChallenge Community! Google+, Facebook, and Flickr are the most common.