It’s almost a new year, and that means it’s time for a new yearly challenge!
In 2009, we were challenged to shoot one photo every day, on a theme that changed every day. This was quite a challenge. A lot of people participated during the year, some for the whole year, and some as they could during the year. We recognize that shooting and posting every day is not for everyone, so for 2010 we will be doing something that will be a little easier for everybody to keep up with.
Some of you may remember that in 2008, the yearly challenge was to shoot a photo per week documenting your community. A photo per week is quite a bit easier to manage than a photo per day.
So, for 2010, we will be combining the ideas from the 2008 and 2009 challenges. During 2010, the yearly challenge will be to shoot one photo per week, on a theme that will change every four weeks! This will give us a schedule that is much easier to keep up with, but will still provide a variable theme to keep things interesting. The first four weeks will begin on January 1, 2010, and extend through January 23, 2010. The theme for the four weeks following will be announced on the first day of the next four weeks, January 24. You can post your weekly shot any time during the week. When posting, please add your photo to the pool on flickr, and tag the photos with “2010challenge” and “2010challengeXX”, where XX is the week in a two digit format (01, 02, 03, etc). Of course, you are welcome to join in at any time, and if you miss posting during one week, just make it up the following week. This is about having fun and challenging yourself to become a better photographer, so the rules are guidelines. You won’t be punished or banned from the group if you miss a week or make up a shot.
Since the first week of 2010 is so short, you will only have a couple of days to get your first weeks shot of the theme. Are you ready? The theme for the first four weeks of the 2010 Challenge is RESOLUTION. What are you resolved to do in 2010? What do you see others around you resolved to do? For the first four weeks of 2010, let’s see one photo per week of a resolution!
You may be wondering what will happen with the monthly challenges. Don’t worry, they are not going away. We will take a break in January so that everybody can get into the swing of the 2010 challenge. The monthly themes will start in February, and every other month after that.
Also, we are happy to announce one more change for 2010. Steve Troletti will be joining the volunteer staff of! Steve has been an active participant in the challenges, and will be helping out as a moderator in the flickr pool. Some of you have probably noticed that there are some photos being added to the pool that are obviously not part of the challenges. Steve will help make sure that photos in the pool are photos that were submitted for the challenge, and that the photos were tagged correctly. Welcome aboard, Steve!
One more thing. If you need a reminder as to what the theme is or when the theme will change, just look at the 2010 Challenge Themes page. Now get ready for a challenge!