May Challenge, week 1, day 3
Like their father, my sons yearn for every bit of a coke. Now retrieving an image set. ToyerBee Telescope for Adults & Kids, 70mm Aperture (15X-150X) Portable Refractor Telescopes for READ MORE →
Like their father, my sons yearn for every bit of a coke. Now retrieving an image set. ToyerBee Telescope for Adults & Kids, 70mm Aperture (15X-150X) Portable Refractor Telescopes for READ MORE →
Here we see Deanna taking a swig from our new refreshing beverage, a nice cold Coca-Cola, made with cane sugar and not corn syrup. Now retrieving an image set. Aurosports READ MORE →
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } May Challenge, week 1, day 1, originally uploaded by Me (?). READ MORE →