2021 WEEK 51: Christmas Stories

Childhood memories or modern stories

Yes, once again it’s THIS time of the year. Many people (though of course not all) are busy preparing for Christmas. Children count the days until the holidays and wait impatiently. Parents feel that time is running too quickly to prepare everything. Some people might not like all the commerce and other simply have different believes and holidays.

Looking forward to Christmas by Ulrike Lukasczyk

No matter what your background is. This week’s challenge is about your personal Christmas story. Create a photo that is able to convey it in one single frame. It can be a happy childhood memory, a critical piece of photo journalism or your alternative holiday story.

Think of your story to tell and choose the elements that symbolise or visualise it best. Your choice of color and lighting might help you set the scene and create the mood you aim for. You can take a macro shot of your favourite Christmas ornament or take a street scene with people wearing masks while doing their shopping.

Technically there are no limits: use your cell phone or DSLR, edited or straight out of cam, color or b&w, try whatever fits best to your Christmas story. It would be lovely if you tell us the meaning behind your photo in your post.

Inspiration and Examples

The Pinterest Mood Board shows you a whole variety of different approaches.

These articles from the Digital Photography School my also help creating a certain mood:

Challenge Summary

  • Take a new photo of your Christmas Story
  • Post your photo during the week of Sunday, December 19 and Saturday, December 25
  • Please remember to comment on at least FIVE photo submissions this week by answering the question “why?” in your comments. In other words, “why do I like (or not like) this photo?” or “why did this photo catch my eye?”

The friendly community guidelines are pretty simple

  • Take a new photo for the current weekly theme, not something from your back catalog or someone else’s image.
  • Post your photo each week to our active communities on Facebook or Flickr (or both). – Tag the photo:  #2021photochallenge #photochallenge #tempusaura
  • Don’t leave home without your camera.

Participating in the 2021 Trevor Carpenter Photo Challenge is fun and easy.

About Ulrike Lukasczyk

While photography always fascinated me I seriously started learning techniques and composition only back in 2016. One of my first sources of learning material and feedback was this group: The Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge. Being insatiably curious I dived into all kinds of subjects and techniques until I finally dared to photograph people. That really is what excites me most about photography: capturing real people at the right moment, their personalities, their stories and even their dreams. This is contrasting quite nicely with my day-to-day business. I’ve got an engineering degree in biotechnology and work full time as a scientist in research. At least my husband and two kids also like my photography hobby and encourage me to pursue it, modeling for me or discussing my ideas. We live in a village near Darmstadt in Germany. We like traveling with our Unimog camper (www.derullimog.de) and I also enjoy horseback riding and Yoga. Now I’m very happy and excited to join the admin team of this group and give something back to the community: challenge ideas, encouragement and photography tips. My photos can be found via the search function in the Trevor Carpenter PhotoChallenge group on Facebook, on Instagram at www.instagram.com/mindseyes_ul/ or my portfolio site: https://ulliluke.myportfolio.com.