We have made it to the end of another yearly challenge! For the last four weeks of the 2010 Challenge, we will be shooting on the theme “Feet”. You should have no shortage of subject matter for this theme. Try shooting from a low angle to capture feet on the ground. Try shooting on public transportation where there are a lot of feet together. Experiment and have fun!
Whatever you end up doing, please follow the guidelines of one photo per week. Even though you’ll probably shoot more than one shot each week, take some time to select the best photograph. If you’re not being forced to select one from many good photos, then you may not be challenging yourself enough. We trimmed the 2010 Challenge down to one shot a week, for the very reason of allowing you the freedom and time to plan and practice each week’s shot. Shoot many, but select just one.
You can post your weekly shot any time during the week. When posting, please add your photo to the photochallenge.org pool on flickr, and tag the photos with “2010challenge” and “2010challengeXX”, where XX is the week in a two digit format (49, 50, 51, 52). Of course, you are welcome to join in at any time, and if you miss posting during one week, just make it up the following week. This is about having fun and challenging yourself to become a better photographer, so the rules are guidelines. You won’t be punished or banned from the group if you miss a week or make up a shot.