Welcome to the third theme in the 2010 Challenge! For the next four weeks, we will be shooting one photo each week, with the theme of SIGNS. This is a theme that everyone should have no trouble finding subject matter for. In fact, you may have the opposite problem — narrowing down your choice to just one sign per week! Of course, you can shoot as many signs as you want, but please only submit one per week for the 2010 Challenge.
Since you only need one photo each week for the 2010 Challenge, take your time to find a sign that you really like, and think about how to make an image of that sign interesting. You might try capturing the image at different times of day, or painting the sign with a flashlight at night. Try shooting at a different angle, looking up or looking down. Get creative!
You could also use this challenge as an opportunity to explore some rural areas or smaller towns, perhaps looking for vintage signs that are aging in an interesting way.
Let’s not forget the guidelines, Ok? You can post your weekly shot any time during the week. When posting, please add your photo to the photochallenge.org pool on flickr, and tag the photos with “2010challenge” and “2010challengeXX”, where XX is the week in a two digit format (09, 10, 11, 12). Of course, you are welcome to join in at any time, and if you miss posting during one week, just make it up the following week. This is about having fun and challenging yourself to become a better photographer, so the rules are guidelines. You won’t be punished or banned from the group if you miss a week or make up a shot.
Now get out there and have fun!