2009 Challenge, day 47 B&W: Portrait

"Badi b/w", by Arriving at the horizon

Today’s theme for the 2009 Challenge is Black & White, Portrait. It’s quite easy. Shoot a portrait, but make sure you’re shooting for black and white. When shooting for black and white, in time, you’ll realize that you can’t shoot like you would for a traditional color photograph. Because the end result will be monochrome, you’ll have to be aware of colors that won’t contrast when converted, etc. Pay attention! You shouldn’t just be shooting a portrait, and then converting it to black and white, without taking these things into consideration. Consider converting with Photoshop’s channel mixer, or even better, a special plugin. I recently acquired Nik Software’s Silver Efex Pro, and man does it rock! Give a tool like that a try, and you’ll be shooting black and white, even when you didn’t plan on it.

"B&W Profile Redux", by Oberazzi

Once you’re ready to submit your work to Flickr, you’ve got to do two important things. First, make sure you tag your photos correctly; “2009challenge″. Also, if you haven’t already, join the PhotoChallenge group on Flickr. Then, submit each day’s photo to the group’s pool.

"Lenny N&B", by Tywak